
  2003/10/26 - Src Release 0.0.2 of the ODC Engine

A summary of the chages:

- proper version number :)
- new cvs repository odc-engine
- better build system, now also using libtool
- everything was split out over eight libraries with namespaces
- lots of new abstract base classes and proper separation between libraries
- new event system
- new relation system
- terrain engine thrown away because of design issues
- can use external demeter terrain engine instead
- better collision detection with bounding spheres
- new path library with simple static grid-based a* pathfinder
- some gui enhancements: mouse renderer
- configurable keyboard layout
- some simple sample applications in the demos directory
- windows port only works with visual c++ 7.1
- this is pretty much a work in progress release, and there is a lot that does not work...

You can download it from the SF Project Page.

- Holger D.

  2003/04/08 - New Concept Art Submitted

There were two nice conecpt art images of armor submitted by Sascha Heller. You can view them in our Concept Art section.

- Holger D.

  2003/03/02 - Version 0.01 of the client released

The first release of the Neverending ODC client. You can download it at our project pages. You also have to download the current datapack to start the engine.

- Holger D.

  2003/01/30 - Documentation page

There is now an extra page for development documentation. All documentation files can now be found there and no longer on the former place (the specification page).

- Thomas H.

  2003/01/22 - Current state of progress

There has been great progress in the last weeks, so it's time for a short report of the current state:

- Holger D.

  2002/12/10 - Webpage update

I've just done an overall update of the complete homepage, because in some section, there was very old (and deprecated) stuff. Now, everything should be up-to-date again.

- Martin B.

  2002/12/09 - New Art

Sandra Köpf has drawn two logos for Neverending ODC. They can be seen on the concept art page. One of the logos is also available for printing and should be used as cover for project documentation.

- Holger D.

  2002/11/06 - New news page

There is now an alternative news page using the news from the SourceForge project page of Neverending ODC. So also have a look there, perhaps it will be updated more often than this page.

- Thomas H.

  2002/10/13 - Coding Conventions version 1.0 and current progress

The Coding Conventions version 1.0 are now online and can be downloaded.
The preperation of the code base for the lab are nearly finished. They will be soon merged with the main CVS branch. (Until than they can be accessed via the branch tag core-reconstruction-3)

- Holger D.

  2002/08/30 - Three new screenshots

I have added two new screenshots from the client and one screenshot of the WorldEditor that shows the new feature of auto-generated texture transitions.

- Holger D.

  2002/07/25 - Moved to SourceForge

As you can see, we have moved our project now to SouceForge. You can now access the source code via anonymous CVS, see our project pages.
The last two weeks we worked intensively on the project; especially there are new functions in the GUI (edit fields, movable windows), for the first time a movable character and some experiments with the client/server architecture.

- Holger D.

  2002/07/16 - Webpages update

Big update of the web-pages: We're using now frames instead of SSI generated pages, so the pages should be delivered slightly faster. However, the site is still usable with browsers that don't support frames. We needed this change for a reasonable usage of our new top level domain
Sabrina has also painted some new great pictures - you can see them on the concept art page. Martin von Prondzinski has added some model screenshots to the editor screenshots page.
And finally, there is a new engine specification document and a first draft of the planned initial ODC quest. They can be found on the developer page.

- Thomas H.

  2002/07/09 - System core ready for work / Screenshots / Windows

The new system core is now implemented, and it seems to work (but there have only been small tests).
Holger has added a screenshot function. Just press print and you`ll get a screenshot.bmp file in your bin directory.
For all the Windows users out there: there is now a Windows-version, working with MinGW. But unfortunately, there are still some really strange bugs.

- Martin B.

  2002/06/15 - Screenshot update

There are a few new screenshots from the old engine. They are without any textures but show, that the MAP import/export in the editor now rudimentary works.
Next time when there are new screenshots, they will be from the new client.

- Holger D. - Martin v.P.

  2002/06/12 - First version of the refactored engine

We have just implemented the first classes of the new client. The basic mesh and object classes are now almost complete, except some missing methods. We've got a mesh loader, an abstract texture loader and a small mesh renderer. In addition to this, we implemented a small dummy world and physic, so you can enjoy now our jumping castle. Don't be disappointed, there are some features of the old engine still missing. They will be (re)implemented soon.

- Martin B.

  2002/06/02 - Refactoring Client, Basic Cal3D Support and New Data Pack

We are currently restructuring the Neverending ODC Client but you can download the latest data pack at the Download Section. In the current version there is basic support for the cal3d library (that means, you see an untextured sample model, and can move it in one direction).
The Editor can import now .MAP file descriptions, that will be used as buildings, and export them in a raw mesh format. The engine can display these meshs as a wireframe model (but this is still very buggy).

- Holger D.

  2002/05/20 - WebSite Update: Concept Art & Data Pack

Added the Concept Art section. You will find there a few old drawings.
There is finally the first data pack at the Download Section. Don't expect too much yet, but with it you can run the engine now.

- Holger D.

  2002/05/13 - WebSite Update: Links

Some new links to interesting sites added at the development links section.

- Holger D.

  2002/05/11 - First Version of Web Site

Developer meeting at the HMS with Holger D., Thomas H. and Martin v.P. to create the web pages and to work on the file loading routines for the engine and world editor.

- Thomas H.

  2002/05/08 - New Nature Photos

We have taken a lot of nature photos for inspiration and to create textures from them. Watch out for the new data pack to be released soon!

- Thomas H.

More news can be found at the project's news page
